Saturday, December 31, 2011

Going to 2012

2011 has been a calm year as compared to 2010, which had many 21st parties and gatherings. I can't really remember much of 2011 now, except for the work related memories. There are so much more to learn about. Friends-wise I guess I realise how some are important and should be held close to my heart while some are not. And I have learnt that I should be firm with my decision in order not to cause any disappointment to the others.

2012 will be a year of changes because I would be looking forward to changing my job somewhere near mid 2012. And graduation. Let's hope that I won't meet someone I am afraid of yet have to stick around with in the future.

Let's hope 2012 will be a great year for everyone, 风调雨顺,少一点天灾人祸;world peace ^_^v

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